
A Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe


A Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe is a web site where you can read the latest news on singer/songwriter/musician/philosopher/healer Tori Amos. Featuring the net's most comprehensive collection of set lists, concert reviews, and quotes from Tori's 1996, 1998 and 1999 tours as well as an extensive photo collection of Tori meeting her fans (Toriphiles or Ears With Feet). There is also an archive of TV and Radio appearances, interviews and articles, links to other Tori web pages, and music releases. It also has an online and information on Tori's Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN). It is the hope of this site's creator (Michael Whitehead - Mikewhy) that the reader of this web page will not only be better informed, but will walk away with a better appreciation of Tori's music.


Michael L. Whitehead
Louisville Kentucky
United States 40222



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