
The Dirty Rag - the e-zine for culture, technology, semi-political commentary, satire, rants, raves and more


Typical news media outlets either gloss over pertinent issues, or more often, ignore them completely. There is no lack of hotly contested subject matter, only a sordid deficiency of venues to examine the significant data thereof. The few existing media sources are either slanted towards a particular philosophy, or so plucky as to deny the average Joe and Jane opportunity mouth off. That sucks. Paraphrasing Webster's, a dirty rag is scandalous newspaper, especially one specializing in sensationalism or, a semi-political e-zine written by your motivated peers. Expect more of the, Jane, you ignorant slut. refrains typical Curtin Dan Ackroyd Point-Counterpoint parody from SNL heyday. Looking for venue publish manifesto? E-mail submitATthedirtyragDOTcom

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