
The Greenwood School for Dyslexia, Learning Differences and Disabilities


The Greenwood School
Putney VT
US 05346


The Greenwood School, founded in 1978, is a pre-preparatory boarding school for boys ages nine to fifteen have been diagnosed with: dyslexia; specific language-based learning disabilities / learning differences (LD); receptive language and/or expressive language deficits; executive functioning deficits; attentional difficulties (ADD or ADHD); disorders of written expression; dysgraphia; or speech and language needs. In fact, a combination of these learning disabilities / learning differences (LD) are often clustered together in most Greenwood students’ learning profiles. Despite their learning challenges, our students are highly intelligent and have significant talents in the arts, in woodworking, or in athletics.

Because of an inequity between ability and performance, many children with learning differences/learning disabilities (LD) have been misunderstood by mainstream schools, by their classmates, sometimes by family members, and have been described as lacking in intelligence or motivation. In fact, the motivation, self-esteem and social relationships of these young people have been eroded by a sense of overwhelming failure in school.

Greenwood's small enrollment and non-institutional environment provides parents and students a clear alternative both to larger, clinically-modeled schools and to mainstream schools that have added hours of outside remedial tutoring and support programs to their standard curriculums.

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