
Bodypainting the art of body painter Kevin C Mason


I have always been an artist. Some of my first memories were of my mother painting in the living room, I guess it kind of stuck. I started with drawing, moved to sculpture, and then discovered.....

I was surfing the web one day and accidentally found a Bodypainting artist. Looking at this new art form, I fell in love. The idea of using the human body as a canvas was intriguing and liberating. I was able to do things that was not possible with flat canvases. I had always felt that the human soul could not be painted. But it can be photographed. With the use of Body Paint and Photography, I’m able to capture emotions and spirit with lighting and brush stokes ….

But now the problem is that I have to work very fast. A Bodypainter has problems with the canvas getting stiff, cold, sleepy, grumpy , and even bored. So a lot of work has to be put into the care of not only the artist equipment but the model . The idea is to have the model have the best possible experience. I have even been known to have a Massage Therapist on retainer for clients as after session care.

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Mason, Kevin
US 95826
(916) 548-1000

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