

In 2004 the BBC broadcast an important documentary by Adam Curtis called The Power of Nightmares. In it, Curtis proved that politicians have abandoned selling us a utopia and instead are saying they are protecting us from nightmares they create. As the local council elections in the UK draw near, it is time to reflect on Curtis’ conclusions because as voters become more apathetic to politicians we find that they are using more ingenious ways of promoting fear to gain a tick in their box. (nimnimnumnim)

Amphibious cars, flying boats, and all manner of hybrid modes of transport have been attempted over the years, and now we've finally reached this point; The Dolphin Boat! The pictures are amazing and the video looks like insane amounts of fun, maybe the jet ski had better be worried? (jlantz)

Supposed subversive art movements are a dime a dozen these days. Spraypainted shadows on sidewalks, UPC codes plastered on storefronts, and all manner of architecture swathed in fabric [yeah, Christo, you're a genius]. Well here's one, that I feel, for one reason or another seems to strike a chord moreso than the rest. Maybe it's the image of a disaffected person hurriedly clacking away with two metal needles, finishing their little project, hoping to remain anonymous that does it for me. Have a look and you decide. (jlantz)

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