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The Winedoctor: regularly updated wine writing by Chris Kissack


About Me

This is the 'About Me' section of the website, a place where perhaps I should be blowing my trumpet as loud and I egotistically can. Or perhaps not. This is, after all, a website about wine, not about me.

Jancis Robinson once asked me "Are you a car?", as the closest to a mugshot she could find on this site was this picture of me, en route to Châteauneuf du Pape. Nowadays I am brave enough to confess that I was not really just 'taking a break', as I used to put it, but had in fact suffered a major mechanical failure, with several very bent tiges pousseur (otherwise known as pushrods or, if that leaves you lost, just very important engine bits). But that's what you get for taking a car only four years younger than yourself on a 5000 mile trip round France and Switzerland, only 1400 miles after dropping in a brand new engine. Ouch! I'm happy to say, however, that no such problems prevail today; excellent service from Edinburgh Sportscars is the main reason.

That trip to France was the beginning of my wine renaissance; as a student I built up a small cellar, but wine had taken a back seat in the early years of my career as a paediatrician, specialising in neonatal intensive care. But in France I purchased heavily (it's amazing just how much you can squeeze in a small car) and my cellar has never looked back. Today, like many wine writers I find I have dual careers, in my case wine writing comes packaged with medicine. For this reason I am happily resigned to the fact that I will never have a list of Decanter magazine articles, book chapters or wine writing awards to eulogise, and the only place one is likely to find my name in print is here. That, however, doesn't stop me travelling to the Loire and elsewhere, visiting vignerons and vineyards, or attending tastings of significance, and communicating my impressions of the wines I taste to Winedoctor readers.

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