- Gallery of the figure artist Tom Jones


The men of Tom Jones


This site was first suggested and then designed by Alex Kallivroussis ( in Switzerland. A painter himself, he thought my work would be enhanced by a new site and then volunteered to go about designing these pages. You can't imagine how pleased I am with the results and the feeling of friendship that grew as we emailed back and forth while he worked all this out. Then he did even more - showing me how to update the pages and add new info. It's been a great experience and we hope you enjoy the result.

A big frustration when I got out some paintings that I'd done to re-wrap them for travel and was dismayed to see that the grid I'd layed out on the raw canvas had risen thru the paint and after some weeks was showing on the surface. I'd always used a pencil to do the grid before, but had brought some Sharpies. It's no fun to realize those paintings were destined to self-destruct because of a felt-tip. There were layers and layers of paint and still it bled thru. The consolation is that the paintings had all been scanned before this happened so there is an unspoiled image for documentation.

"The more time I spend in Brazil, the more time I want there. To try to cut a long story short, I wasn't sure if I should go back this year. I'd lost my 'connection' with Ricardo. It was about lies, money, a lack of trust, a lack of faith, a lack of action, and a surplus of meaningless words. I had come to realize I was in love with Rio itself, and that however awkward Ricardo's and my relationship, still

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