
It's the fabulous 60 minute Price is Right site!


Many folks have asked me lots of questions over the past 4 years since I've had this website up and running, so I figure I'll take some time to tell you a little about myself (as it relates to Price at least :) and provide a little insight into who the man is behind this keyboard.

Friends, Family, etc.: I have many friends (I know, it's hard to believe, but true! :), most if not all know how much of a fan of game shows I am (many call it strange, I call it a hobby :). Most of my family lives east of the Mississippi. I'm currently single, but I do have a 7 year old cat named Tigger who keeps me company while I'm home. He's well-fed ;)

What did you win? $5,100 in cash, a chess set, a mop, a beard and moustache trimmer, a water filter, and a snow blower.

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