
Training Wheels Software - Home of Web Wheels - an Internet Browser for Children


Excerpted from the website:

Who are we? We are typical 30-something parents with two young children. We are sleep deprived, multi-tasking, diaper changing and loving every minute of it parents. A three-and-a-half year old girl and one year old boy keep us very busy. How did we start Training Wheels Software? Our daughter's interest in the computer started at a very young age. Daddy is a software developer and Mommy knows enough about computers to be dangerous. So you can see where the influences came from. She has been playing preschool games for about a year on the home computer as well as visiting kid friendly websites. As she got a little older she wanted to do more. We set-up an old computer so that she could play her games without worrying if she would break our home computer. Then she started asking to visit her favorite websites such as Noggin, Playhouse Disney and Nick Jr. We looked for something that would provide a simple interface for our daughter and allow us to control the sites that she could visit. We just couldn't find any internet browser's written with young children in mind. So my husband thought 'Could I develop a web browser which would give her the freedom to visit her favorite websites?'. Well, the idea for Web Wheels
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