
Transcend the Walls


Our logo represents the hope we have. The tiger emerging from the lamp is not one of substance, but one of smoke -- of vapor. There is no place he cannot go!

Becoming a pen pal to someone in prison brings about similar possibilities. Friendship, a connection with the outside world, hope, maybe even a lasting relationship. Yes, certainly, letters have to go through opened gates and doors -- they are solid, made of substance, limited. However, what happens because of those letters can be just as vaporous as our tiger. Something that is able to transcend all barriers including stone walls, iron cages, and razor wire. It is our mission to help prisoners find friends who will give them the emotional support they so desperately need.

Whether a prisoner is inside for two-to-ten years, life, life without possibility of parole, or on Death Row, male or female -- no matter what their ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or any other label put on them by society, many of them have problems in common. Their families and friends have deserted them and they are where they are because they had neither the much-needed moral support, nor the funds necessary to retain proper legal representation.

There are many more innocent people behind bars than the authorities want you to know about -- or than they would ever admit to. Think about it. Can there really be over two million men and women behind bars or under house arrest without some of them being innocent? Do you suppose some might be there because the actual perpetrators were killed during failed arrest attempts? Or, perhaps they are victims of mistaken identity? What about being in the wrong place at the wrong time? The list goes on and on.

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