is a guide to travel in Spain


Spain Travel Guide; Touring Seville, Malaga, Cordoba, Madrid, Granada, Ronda, Salamanca


More than once I have received an e-mail with these questions and each time I stroke my head, trying to figure out how to reply. How much do people really want to know? How much information should I share about my family?

Let's start with what I am not; I am not a Travel Agent, employee of a travel company or an expert on Spain or Europian travel.

I am a guy that enjoys going to new places and learning about different cultures. I have a degree in Anthropology but due to my problems with learning languages, I never pursued a career in the field. Instead, I stumbled in to a career in Human Services. I have never been accused of being a great writer but people do seem to think I can make decent photographs. The "Arts" and photography have been an interest of mine since childhood, as have my interest in history and architecture. I see my central characteristic as that of an explorer.

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Traveling in Spain
Battle Creek MI
United States 49014

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