
Treasure Traders Dropship and Wholesale Direct Importers


Dropship and Wholesale Warehouse Direct Importers FREE SITE USE


Auburn Alabama
United States 36830

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This site doesn't import anything. Everything that is on the site can be found on other **real** wholesale sites. Consumers and businesses should beware of using their services.

This site underwent an ownership change some time ago and ships in 2 days or less. They ship direct from their warehouse and offer a wonderful shopcart preloaded site that shows inventory changes as they happen. this is not even the correct screenshot of the site, somebody should update their information to avoid a false information issue. We shop there often and rely on them for their prompt shipping and excellent and friendly and timely customer service.

Additional Information

This site is a drop shipping site. The prices are to high and the shipping is slow. It is apparent that there isn't the inventory in stock as stated on the site. Consumers should be forewarned that if you use this site for drop shipping your business would look bad. If you use this drop shipping service for eBay then you will probably receive a lot of negative feed back.

Warning-The owner claims of a remote warehouse when it takes to long to ship. This just isn't so and they are actually middleman brokers and will not really offer anything close to wholesale.

For more please read this article about these type of drop shippers.

While they may get some stuff out, you might have already lost the customers or had to buy elsewhere.

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