
Troll stories


TRUMPETNOSE is the beloved and much respected poet and noble leader of Trolldom. He has always been a writer but did not want to be the leader of anything. We are trying to piece together the events which lead to him becoming the leader of Trolldom, a very long time ago, and will publish the findings as soon as possible.

Trumpetnose writes both stories and poems, some of which rhyme. He doesn't have a preference, but when he is in a rhyming mood, he even talks in rhyme. Our poet is not a practical type. When writing, or trying to get started, he will forget to eat, he will lose his pencils and paper, and generally will not know what is going on. His trusted friend and secretary, Murriboy, makes sure that there is pen and paper handy, and that the poet will eat. Murriboy is married to Miss Merri, who bakes the best berry pies this side of The Blue Sea.

All writers know that the dreaded Writer's Block can sneak up on them at any time. When this happens to Trumpetnose, it is a terrible nose ache. That's because he stores his unfinished poems in his nose. Here you see how miserable Trumpetnose is when the words are stuck. The best remedy for our poet is a brisk walk - in fact he likes to go on long walks every day. He calls them his 'Brain Fresheners'.

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