
Two Row Architect - sustainable design for the masses


Two Row Architect
Ohsweken ON


Established in 1992, the name Two Row Architect was chosen to reflect the unique nature of the firm. We are a 100% native-owned and operated firm on the Six Nations reserve in southern Ontario . In keeping with our tradition and to reflect community values, the search for a name was brought to the renowned Cayuga Faith keeper and linguist, Reg Henry. After several conversations with Reg, focus was given to architectural terms as interpreted by native language and the meaning these carried from their traditional roots. The final choice of Two Row was drawn from a weave of beads known as the 'Two Row Wampum'.

Wampum refers to the tubular beads carved from shells commonly associated with the Iroquoian Nations of Native America. These shells were woven into patterns. They were used as a type of currency and to record significant treaty agreements. One such treaty is recorded in the Two Row Wampum. The arrangement consists of two rows of purple beads on a field of white, which ex-tends for a considerable length. Although simplistic graphically, the meaning inherent in the Two Row Wampum is profound. The white field of beads represents a river. This is symbolizes the course of life . The two rows of purple beads represent a passage of two canoes down this same river - the Iroquoian culture on one side and European culture on the other. Although both canoes share the same river, each is allowed to travel separately, independently and at its own speed. Their paths do not cross and hence they do not impede the progress of one another. The spirit of honor and respect contained within this agreement was to be renewed on an annual basis with the English, French and Dutch settlers.

As a result of culturally discouraging government policy, loss of resources and land, various forms of traditional building practices have fallen to the wayside, only to be replaced with non-native forms. We at Two Row will assist in promoting an architectural approach that realizes the meshing of local traditional symbols (Native arts/crafts/design) into current building technology. We also promote the creative and environmentally conscious use of building materials, and maximum Native involvement for local benefit.

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