UFirstFinancial.net/Victor Preda

Victor Preda

Contact info

Victor Preda
Phone: 828-526-5529

Victor Preda is an agent for United First Financial, a company whose goal is to help homeowners reach their financial goals through an innovative system of interest reduction. This not only helps people that have gotten into financial mess because of house loans and have to work 2 or 3 different jobs just to pay their bills but also people who want to save enough money for their family and kids. The reason Victor likes his role as an agent at United First Financial is that it lets him help people who, like himself, have been put into financial doldrums due to a vicious circle of interest on house loans.

Victor Preda's Life Story

Victor Preda is an immigrant to the United States who left Romania ( Eastern Europe ) in 1980 in search of a better future. Victor likes to describe himself as an "ordinary guy." "Even Romania, Pakistan, Mars, produce smart and capable people, but sadly I'm not part of that bunch", Victor says. With dreams in his eyes, young Victor had to work for a few years before he could buy his first property, "It was so run-down, they were ready to pay me to get it!!!" What happened to him next is what has happened hundreds of thousands of people and, unfortunately millions more are "would-be victims" of this institutionalized scam!

Having 2,3 jobs, you still find time to improve the house brick by brick, till one day a big fat boy banker says: "hey, your house is worth a bit of money now, I can land you $50,000 only at 10%". And that was for me the beginning of a nasty vice: I kept improving and borrowing again and again, till now I owe the big fat boy ( he's obviously part of the "capable people" who drives a Rolls Royce whereas I need to use my child tricycle to get to work!...) a mere $600,000.

This is how Victor came to know of this company United First Financial, which created a software that helps the homeowner to pay down the house in 11 versus 30 years. Money Merge Account system, as it is called, is a powerful tool to help people realize their dream of home ownership and save money for their future. "The only catch is: you need to have enough credit with a bank to obtain a home equity line of credit," says Victor. "And this is the main ingredient in helping you, in fact, become your own "banker", as you direct the SAME funds starting to pay off the mortgage at a much more accelerated speed than the regular amortization." Of course, should you have additional moneys: $50 or 100 per month, then even better.

Money Merge Account System

Victor's area of expertise lies in helping those homeowners who have to pay about twice the price of their home because of the traditional mortgages that take about 30 years to pay off. Through United First Financial's Money Merge account system, Victor helps people pay off their mortgage in as little as half to one third of the time than it usually takes. An amazing thing about this system is that it doesn't involve any extra burden on your pocket even in the short term.

A standard payback amount on a $136,000 mortgage at 5.25% would be for 30-years, would mean paying $270,784 at the end of 30 years through the traditional repayment plan - which is nearly twice the cost of the home. The Money Merge Account program can help repay the same mortgage in 11.3 years with a total repayment of $181,217. The amazing thing is that this is achieved without a dramatic change in your lifestyle. The Money Merge Account system, therefore, provides one of the fastest ways to repay a mortgage and be on your way to financial freedom.

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