is instrumentation framework, building dynamic analysis tools


Valgrind Home


About Valgrind

Valgrind is a GPL'd system for debugging and profiling Linux programs. With Valgrind's tool suite you can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, avoiding hours of frustrating bug-hunting, making your programs more stable. You can also perform detailed profiling to help speed up your programs.

Why should you use Valgrind?

Valgrind will save you hours of debugging time. With Valgrind tools you can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs. This gives you confidence that your programs are free of many common bugs, some of which would take hours to find manually, or never be found at all. You can find and eliminate bugs before they become a problem.

Valgrind can help you speed up your programs. With Valgrind tools you can also perform very detailed profiling to help speed up your programs.

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