Is a platform to share, discuss, & evaluate, startup info.


VentureBeat Profiles is the best way to discover and research new top startups and companies. VentureBeat Profiles is a platform for our community to share, discuss, and evaluate information about these companies.

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Formerly known as TradeVibes, VentureBeat is the leading online resource covering up-to-the-minute news about innovation technology. The company uses widgets to improve the tens of thousands of profiles of companies and executives, posted on the site. For example, when VentureBeat writes a story about Facebook, they'll insert information about Facebook at the bottom of the story in the form of a widget from the actual Facebook profile page.

VentureBeatProfiles is also expanding company page to include press releases to keep readers up to date on media news.

Visitors to the site will also find a Twitter stream added to the profiles as a way to help readers keep up with the latest buzz about featured companies. Any tweet with #companyname is pulled into the company's profile page so readers can narrow in on news and sentiments only about the highlighted company.

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