

Welcome to This site's purpose is to allow open discussion about the war in Iraq. I felt this site was necessary as when people say they are against the war their patriotism is questioned. As a veteran, I feel no one has the right to question my patriotism, yet I am vehemently against this war. My in depth thoughts can be found here. Let us here yours. Anyone can make posts or comments here simply by registering and assigning yourself your own login and password. You don't need to be a veteran. However, if you are a veteran, please state so in your post or comments. You don't have to be against the war either to post or comment. We want to hear all sides, just don't question another veterans patriotism. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. We are looking to organize and setup peaceful protests throughout the country to get people more involved. Perhaps, united, we can make a difference and bring our soldiers home and ready to go where they are most needed. Remember, whether you support the war or not, always support our soldiers as they make the ultimate sacrifice to be the guardians of our freedom.

well iam doing a pursuassive essay about how to find an end to war in I raq and how we need to bring our troops back to America. What is your opinion about the situation and what may be an option to getting troops back home. what can we do to support this

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