Relationship Management Experience for Today’s Social Business

A New Relationship Management Experience for Today’s Social Business.

Request an invitation to our private beta here!

Visibiz provides relationship management and CRM features that are designed for entrepreneurs:

  • Value. Start working within seconds of joining! Visibiz creates fully tagged and searchable profiles from your LinkedIn and email accounts.
  • Network. Your network is your gateway to success. Consolidated profiles help you learn more about your contacts, check recent communications, and review previous notes.
  • Search. Why sift through lists of alphabetical contacts or your email folders? Find everything you need with a quick search instead of going through endless tabs and lists.
  • Smarts. Auto tagging and smart search help you find relevant information within your network quickly.
  • Entrepreneurs. Organize and track your business - sales pipelines, fundraising and initiatives, with configurable plans and connection to tasks, notes and prospects.

Request an invitation to our private beta here!

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