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Welcome to TheSchoolOfChrist.Org


"We believe that there should be a place - a real, physical location - where people can learn about Jesus and find fellowship with others without being distracted by Organized Religion and "Churchianity"... a place where people can be discipled and equipped as Overcomers, trained to represent Christ and His Kingdom."

This document is one of several documents that have been prepared along the way as the Lord gives us greater clarity concerning our particular calling, the most important of them being "Him We Preach" in March, 2005; A Problem, A Place, And A Purpose" in the summer of 2005, and the "Update On Our Vision" letter towards the beginning of 2006. These installments seem to come to us about every six months or so, and it could be that we have reached the final installment with the document you are reading now. All that is left is to implement what we have seen and heard of the Lord.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that we are entering into a new season of our walk with the Lord, and it has not been without its fair share of kicking, screaming, and resisting the Lord's inevitable direction; but like Moses who finally capitulated and agreed, we, too have decided that resistance is futile, and the only course is obedience to the Holy Ghost.

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The School of Christ
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US 27549

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