offers to create Wikipedia pages for companies.


We received the following comment on our blog:

Shouldn’t your company have a full-length, professional page on Wikipedia? can craft you a professional Wikipedia page for the top 2-3 spots in Google Search.
Would you like more information? Please reply. It will be worthwhile. A full-length, professionally written Wikipedia page will drive sales and inform your clients about what you do best.
Your competitors are getting on Wikipedia. Shouldn’t you be on Wikipedia, too?

*Vanessa Embers*
*Sales Consultant*
We Write It. We Manage It.
You Never Worry About Wikipedia Again.
Tel: 888-819-0733
Twitter: @wiki_PR
San Francisco, CA

Disclaimer: This is an individual, personalized email sent by a human. But to unsubscribe, simply reply with “unsubscribe” in the email body.

To me, the disclaimer about it being a personalized email sent by a human makes me laugh because this "email" was left as a blog comment, and I doubt a human would have confused a blog comment field with an email.

  • review posted by Kristina on May 21, 2013

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