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SiteMaze is an online community website designed for friends, segegrated by regions. The main goal of our service is to make your social life, and that of your friends, more active and stimulating. SiteMaze's social network can help you both maintain existing relationships and establish new ones by reaching out to people you've never met before. Who you interact with is entirely up to you. Before getting to know an SiteMaze member, you can even see how they're connecting to you through the friends network.

There are millions of chinese living abroad. This website is for them to connect and find friends. You can also search people from your region, select the Region you want to subcribe to, and the contents on this site will be tailored for that region. If you are an overseas chinese from Malaysia, then select Malaysia.

Do you have a web presence? Do you people-network on the net? If not, you are losing out. Create a homepage about yourself and your interests, express your opinion on the blog, share digital pictures online, and increase your circle of friends using our site.

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Minsheng E.Rd Sec-3, Ln 84, 1st Floor
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Michael Li



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