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From Nashville to the nations....

When most people think of Nashville, the first thing that usually comes to mind is "country music capital" or "buckle of the Bible belt." While both of these are part of the rich tapestry of Tennessee's capital city, YWAM Nashville has always believed that it is also a prime gateway to the nations for the Gospel.

The YWAM Nashville adventure began in 1991, when our base founder, Steve Tackett, heard a clear word from God that YWAM was to begin a missionary training center here. Our first Discipleship Training School began in September 1993 at a Christian camp on the outskirts of Nashville.

Thirteen years after its founding, YWAM Nashville ministry teams have filled hundreds of planes taking off for the remotest corners of the earth. We've planted training centers in Cuba and Mexico, sent church youth groups to Europe, medical teams to Central America, English teachers to China, and community development workers to Central Asia. We mobilize hundreds of youth every spring and summer to get a taste of missions through our Mission Adventures program.

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