Difference between revisions of "User:NickBurrus"

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* I am an administrator with [[AboutUs]], a world renowned wiki about businesses and finding resources.
* I am an administrator with [[AboutUs]], a world renowned wiki about businesses and finding resources.
* I am a wiki expert. Endorsed by [[TedErnst]] and others.
* I am a wiki expert. Endorsed by [[TedErnst]] and others.
* I am an Astral Scholar (moderator) for the official Award-Winning American Allods Online game from [[gPotato]].
* I was a Astral Scholar (moderator) for the official Award-Winning American Allods Online game from [[gPotato]].
* I have ran a successful site that reached over 1.3 million hits in a single month, though now it is closed, [[NovogradTimes.com]]
* I have ran a successful site that reached over 1.3 million hits in a single month, though now it is closed, [[NovogradTimes.com]]
* I participate in a lot of betas including [[Kadoo.com]], Allods Online, even AboutUs' compost and Greek before their releases!
* I participate in a lot of betas including [[Kadoo.com]], Allods Online, even AboutUs' compost and Greek before their releases!

Revision as of 02:34, 7 January 2011

Hi! Welcome to my userpage. ^^. I am a sysop here. ^^

fax mentis incedium gloriae

Quick Run-Down

  • I am an administrator with AboutUs, a world renowned wiki about businesses and finding resources.
  • I am a wiki expert. Endorsed by TedErnst and others.
  • I was a Astral Scholar (moderator) for the official Award-Winning American Allods Online game from gPotato.
  • I have ran a successful site that reached over 1.3 million hits in a single month, though now it is closed, NovogradTimes.com
  • I participate in a lot of betas including Kadoo.com, Allods Online, even AboutUs' compost and Greek before their releases!
  • I am a message board post by post role player.
  • I am twenty-one years old.
  • I constantly help people whom I've never met.

cogito, ergo sum

I’ll be damned. This is the one and only autobiography I will take the liberty to write. To come to an introduction, my name is Nicholas Burrus and I am an eighteen year old male living in California, the United States. This will not be your average autobiography. Heh, what is an average autobiography anyway? We’re all human and unique in our own ways. This autobiography will be more to the point and should stray but yet suit your interest without the duress. It's not much, but it will do.

Welcome to my personal page here at AboutUs. Besides what I have stated about myself already, there are some other nicks that could be known. As I begun to prove myself to this wiki, my skills increased in value and comprehension. On 16 November, 2007 I was granted Active Community Member status. Soon after it, I became one of the first two Peer Review users granted the new class rights, on 19 November, 2007. It didn't take long for me to be granted nearly full access over several thinks of this wiki; as of 28 November, 2007 I became a proud Sysop for AboutUs.

fac fortia et patere

Fac fortia et patere is Latin for 'do brave deeds and endure'. This is AboutUs to me. On November 14th, 2008 it will be a year, one complete year since I first joined AboutUs and started to learn wiki technology. Kristina Weis, an AboutUs employee, sent me a welcome message. The information she provided opened a new world up for me. That information showed me the basics in wiki software. Yet, unlike most other website staff across the internet, she was patient and helpful as I found all AboutUs community members to be.

I started experimenting and asking for help to acheive designs, looks and styles I desired. I quickly grasped on. It did not take long until I was considered an Active Community Member (November 16th, 2007). In November 2007 the AboutUs team was trying out a new rank called Peer Review. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I was one of the first two to try out the rank alongside with VartanSimonian. Our new rank had too much power. Niether of us abused the extra power, both of us used it in good manner. When the ranks were fixed both of us were promoted to Sysop. This was November 28th, 2007. I have been a member for two weeks, fourteen days and became an administrator on an internet sensation that I respect.

Six months ago, I considered myself a far stretched idea, a wiki expert on the content side. Others agreed. AboutUs provided me an opportunity to meet people to meet people around the world. I got to even talk to people from counties I didn't know existed,

I spent vast amounts of time with AboutUs, hundreds of hours. Well, probably thousands, I'm too lazy to do simple math (or perhaps it's too early in the day, I am not a morning person xD). I don't regret one moment, one second that I have spent with AboutUs, I believe it was all well spent. I have made friendships that'll last a lifetime.

One year. Too hard to believe. I'd like to thank the AboutUs team for their help and support through even hardships in real life (my surgery). The main person who'd I like to thank would be Kristina Weis for opening this world of the wiki to me. Steve Harrell is the inspiration to technology itself, that I have fallen in love with. Hell, Harrell even taught me how to type. Ted Ernst, Saad Saeed, Vartan Simonian, Asad Butt, Obed, Mark Dilley and Julia just cause of their help and fun times. Hope to see you all February 2008 at RCC!

Thanks for experiences of a lifetime;

Nick Burrus.

By the way, I am the one that started that trout nonsense. haha. /hide.


Do you wish to contact me? I have various ways of contact listed below. Feel free to contact me regarding anything, at all.

My Talk Page: Click Here to Visit!
Cell Phone: Given to people personally.
IRC: I am on IRC often! As well as many other AboutUs people! Come and join us!
Messenging: I have MSN, YIM and AIM, if you wish to use IM contact me by a means above, email preferred.

rosa rubicundior, lilio candidior, omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior

Where one is well off, there is his home. I am happy. I have hopes and dreams like every other human being out there. I’m a dreamer. I am proud I am a dreamer. I am proud and I am here. I support, love and share knowledge. I’m addicted to learning the simplest of things to wondering what out there exists. I wonder how we were able to, as a race; get to this understanding of technology, the world, of medical science and so much more. I know one thing. That is I know nothing. There is a vast world of knowledge out there; I don’t even know a percentage of it.

Pain. Not emotional. Physical pain. Pain is what I feel nearly every waking moment. I was born with a condition of unknown origin and nothing could have been done about it. I was born with Congenital Heart Failure. Strokes, heart attacks, surgeries, I had ‘em all. Open heart surgery is the most painful surgery known to mankind even through painkillers. The pain is more then one can bear. Soon, I await, for the next venture of surgery for my heart to be reconstructed. I await the day the doctors come to a final decision.

Pride. To stride with a lion only to be overtaken by a tiger chasing a buffalo a thousand suns away. Yes, it made sense. To you? Perhaps not. To me? Yes. Philosophy is an understanding of the world that I happen to fallen in love with at a younger age. Me and logic? Not the best of friends. Me and reason? Soul mates. I recall a fond memory with my stepfather. It is quoted below.

“Nick, why do you like this philosophy crap so much? All you do is utter useless things.”
“Because, I can say something completely stupid and somebody will think it’s brilliant.”

Yes, it was a lie, but it is the best way I Can explain philosophy. The event between me and my stepfather did happen. But philosophy? It can mean anything you want it to mean. Enlightenment is unity with the world and your surroundings in my humble opinion. The vast knowledge of this world is nothing compared to side-by-side to philosophy or the understanding of philosophy. I dream of helping some people fall in love with my passion. Philosophy is my hopes and dreams. Shattered once, but they’ll prevail.

rigor mortis

I do not fear death. I await it happily. I welcome death. When it comes around it comes around. I will not stand at my door and try and lure the Grim Reaper to the annoying little girl down the street...even if she existed. It is a part of our world as we know it, and we have to respect it. I came to terms with my fear of death long ago. Live life, be happy. Death exists. It hurts not only one, but a community. Do what you can. Be a proud addition in this world, leave a mark of greatness for the better good.

I know this is a controversial topic of which I have touched. This is my way of wording it. Don't view it as I am suicidal or anything, I am not. I just will accept death when it happens to me. I have seen death. I have watched best friends sit on their deathbeds. I do not intend to let it keep putting me down. I know I'll fight it regardless and collapse at the random thought. But death is a hard thing to accept. I am trying my best, and I believe I finally came to a term with it.

spectaculorum procedere debet

Flickr! http://flickr.com/ashkir :)

quid novi

Current projects can be fun! Oh, yes they can. I happen to be working on a number of projects. Yes, I know I am a tad...er even more so lazy, but I will eventually get to things. At least, I get things done, right? Below is a list of things I am working on.

  • Helping new AboutUs version! CompostUs
  • My personal page.
  • The unending attack of the looooooonnnnnggg paaaaaaggggggeeeeess.
  • The fight to fight spam!
  • Peer Review, hey, somebody has got to do it, right? Besides, it puts me to sleep.
  • Various other projects! There are too many to list, but what is above are my current most active projects.
  • As of late I have been poking with Chi.mp a lot!