
Revision as of 03:06, 28 January 2009 by Vinh Nguyen (talk | contribs) (more notes)

notes from this meetup

NTEN + NetTuesday, Rick Turoczy presents

Rick on himself

  • 12/13 yrs in mktg. comm. in PDX, focusing on web tech
  • siliconflorist.com a spur of the moment blog about PDX tech and the Silicon Forest
  • The PDX community is fortunate because we were able to group at an early stage/time and now that the economy is tanking we're getting even stronger as a community.
  • Twitter in Portland is 5th most popular city on twitter. It's given us a great communication channel and great insights into our own lives.
  • Cheat sheets on potential social networks, for the masses
  • Be wary of the various social networks, and know your audience when you decide to join a social network...
  • Trying a few simple search techniques into what you and your ngo are interested in doing will give you a better sense of where to work/explore
  • technology helps you get to the most interesting people, not just the loudest
  • twitter (et al) is like a cocktail party, or going to a bar
  • delicious.com/popular/(tagname) gives you a great snippet of the current popularity of that keyword across millions of users
  • postrank.com filter data sets by various social filters

Where is the web going

  • location is the most important data now and soon
    • ie. firefox shipping with geo-locative software
  • the open-web, the social-web, technologies that allow you to port your identity and social connections
    • your internet experience will be relative to you and your personal network
  • how do you push transparency when it is essentially a level of discomfort that causes people to shy away initially
  • there's a paradigm shit occurring in organizational messaging, pr, and communication. Things are becoming increasingly transparent, and the question that remains is, How do I adjust to keep pace with this change, and at what cost?
  • There are two capitals online currently: Traditional and Social

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