Are SEO Services Worth It

Revision as of 01:26, 13 January 2011 by NickBurrus (talk | contribs)

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 By NickBurrus on 12 Jan 2011

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NickBurrus 21 year old wiki savvy blogger, and internet geek.

Are SEO services worth it? Well, I'm not an expert on this Search Engine Optimization stuff, but, I do know some things about it and I would like to try and explain what I know to you all.

Benefit Firstly, think about the benefit of the increased website traffic. Would extra website traffic benefit your company or website? Is your website local only? Or are you trying to make a global reach?

What does SEO do? SEO basically helps your page rank higher in search engines. Nothing more then that.

What do SEO services actually do? SEO services usually do the following:

  • Submit your website to search engines.
  • Redo your website's meta tags.
  • Optimizes your pages (makes them more effective).
  • Checks your robots.txt file to make sure it is done right, and not blocking web crawlers.

What does this mean? Basically, SEO makes your website more visible for search engines, and search engines only. So this means, if one goes to Google or Bing and types in some keywords, your website can rank higher with better SEO.

How can I do more myself, without losing money?

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