Revision as of 02:25, 5 February 2007 by (talk) (Related Domains)


CoffeeKid - Exploring the Culture and Artistry of Espresso and Coffee


All contents are ©1997-2006 by Mark Prince, all rights reserved. Please do not borrow, take or steal anything without permission.

I have a MoBlog, as in a mobile phone picture weblog going - see up to the minute photos from the world of coffee and espresso I travel around in! And, check out CoffeeGeek! or my personal site, Spiffle, or my company, WebMotif Net Services.

If you're visiting this page, you are probably either wondering who I am, or possibly what could drive a person to build a site like this. It's simple. I love the taste and artistry that is known as coffee and espresso. And I love building this website.

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