User:Arbutus Images

Arbutus Images

Arbutus Images

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  • Name: Arbutus Images, Inc.
  • Location: 858 West Armitage Avenue, Suite 225, Chicago, Illinois 60614
  • Email Address:
  • Our Website:

We are a social for profit company using the sale of environmental greeting cards to support organizations that improve animal welfare, children's lives and environmental protection.

You're purchases make a difference!

In 2007, we gave 1% of our gross revenue to 11 charities and donated over 500 lbs of art supplies, office equipment and much more to reduce our waste stream and help others. In 2008, we increased our financial commitments to as much as 5%. Who knows how much stuff we'll have donated in 2008. We are keeping track and look forward to setting a new record for ourselves.

Our award winning artists in 10 countries also receive a portion of the sale of the cards.

We see ourselves as a small company working to make a big difference - one child, one tree and one puppy at a time. Thank you for your support. We are happy to send samples or discuss pricing with retailers, fund raisers or businesses who would like to support our work.

If you are interested in learning where to purchase our cards, check out the RETAILERS link.


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