User talk:Americanfreak


Hello Americanfreak! Welcome to AboutUs.

It looks like you've done some great work editing the wiki page for Feel free to continue exploring the wonderful world of wiki and be sure to let us/me know if you have any questions (you can talk to me via the message link below). I wonder if you might want to add a little information about yourself on your user page? (You can see an example of this by clicking my name below.) Please don't hesitate to let me know if you'd like some assistance in accomplishing your goals on AboutUs and if you want some help or new ideas I've found this to be a nice resource. Welcome to the AboutUs community - it's great to have you!

Have a most wonderful day!
KristinaWeis | **message**

Hello again

Welcome back to AboutUs! Let us know if you have any issues or questions and have a blast editing on the wiki. You can check out the new homepage equipped with nice tabs that lead to portals along the top explaining key concepts of the site, etc. as well as boxes showing who is logged in at any given time. Have a good one!

KristinaWeis | **message**

Most Certainly

To change capitalization go to the existing AboutUs page at and along the top you should see tabs with the one you want being "move." After clicking this it allows you to fix the capitalization to whatever it should be and the old page will re-direct to the one with the correct capitalization. Let me know if it works or if you need any help.

And no, there aren't really any limitations with what you can edit on the page so long as they are constructive edits. Wiki allows everyone to build the commons and make it a better resource and community. Whatever improvements you can make to the page will roughly translate to more traffic to the Web site.

KristinaWeis | **message**

Hello again

I'm here if you need anything. And also, if you ever have a question you can check out the homepage and see "who's online" to ask them (click their name to see their user page to see how helpful they may be) or you can join the AboutUs WebIRC here. Have fun editing!

KristinaWeis | **message**