User talk:Kevin Richards

This is your talk page, a place for people to leave you messages.

Welcome to

Hello, my name is Asad and I welcome you to the world of wiki! At its heart AboutUs is a community generated resource for organizations, businesses and websites. You can search for any domain name (like in the search box above to reach its page. Moreover, feel free to edit AboutUs pages (by clicking a pencil icon) if you think you have anything to add. If you have a website to promote, check out our DoFollow links policy and Competitive Brief SnapShot. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or help you navigate through AboutUs. Best, Asad | *~email~*

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comment by Aliza Earnshaw

Kevin, great edits. I just added your contact info and removed the "rel=nofollow" attribute, so the page about your site now has follow links.

I recommend you add your photo to your profile, so that your face, and not a blank silhouette, will appear on Oregon Culinary Institute's page.

Cheers, Aliza