User talk:Lfountain

Welcome to!

Hello, my name is Kristina.

I noticed your contributions to the DomainPage for - looking good! Down the road, it would be great if you wanted to add some information to a Belly Dancing page or something of this sort. (I've created a swing dancing page about my interest.)

I'm excited that you've joined, a community of people collaborating and editing to build this wiki. Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions along the way - I'd love to hear from you! You can contact me in a variety of ways, the best being to leave a message on my talk page at User talk:KristinaWeis. You may also join the AboutUs WebIRC to chat or ask a question, and below are some links that I have found useful...

Welcome to the community!
Kristina 17:09, 11 December 2007 (PST)