User talk:Stephanie Bice

Hi, Welcome to AboutUs!

Did you know that you can edit pages on AboutUs? You can search for the websites you are interested in and start contributing to them right away! I believe that AboutUs can be a meaningful resource for you and your organization. Feel free to write to me if you need help with anything. Have a very nice day! Best, Obed Suhail .talk. .chat.

I'd recommend checking out the WikiSyntax page. Let me know if you have any questions. Best, KristinaWeis 10:47, 30 May 2008 (PDT)

Hi Stephanie, my comments resonate with what Kristina said above. You will find wiki syntax much more easier than html. I moved the content of Juniper_Networks page to as i thought it comes under Netfast's qualities. Hope thats all right :). Let me know if need any help. --Sa'ad [ talkemailchat ] 23:46, 15 June 2008 (PDT)