- Info on the medical schools in Europe, USA and the Caribbean


ValueMD - International Medical Schools, Caribbean Medical School, Foreign Med


ValueMD is a forum platform which operates by catering prospectives to the medical schools which are sponsoring ValueMD forums and giving advertisement, and gains profit over this business. While some official representatives of some of the schools answer the questions of the forum visitors, their own operatives are some of the students in the forum population whom you cannot recognize, for they pretend fellow students. It is a platform in which the prospectives need to be very careful not to be misled to a school that will make them lose both their moneys and futures.

It is highly recommended to be very cautious about the accuracy of the information obtained from ValueMD.




Whois information is public, but in response to some people wanting to keep their contact information private, many domain name Registrars offer a "privacy" or "proxy" service to mask the domain name owner. This domain is most likely using a proxy service.



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