Category:Customer Lifecycle

Customer Lifecycle – An Eclipse In The Path Of Sale And Purchase

Customer lifecycle is referred to describe all the steps of progression that need to be taken into consideration when customers purchase as well as use the products offered by any company. Along with this, the loyalty of customers is also taken into account so that the marketing strategy can be decided in order to lure customers.

Customer lifecycle has become an integral part of the marketing strategy as it helps in the customer retention as well as in the customer servicing. Customer retention is also depicted with the help of ellipse which represents the fact of customer servicing and effective CRM in order to move the client again and again through the cycle of sale and purchase. This is done with the sole purpose of increasing the customer base.

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Important Internal Pages

Contact Us | Solutions | Services | Customer Acquisition | Customer Servicing | Customer Growth | Customer Retention | Telephony Services | Telemarketing Services | Selling Services | Call Centers | Outsourcing Services | Enclosing Services | Fulfilment

External Links

- 2Touch Blog
- 2Touch Google Site
- Wikispaces
- MSN Live Page
- Seedwiki
- Yahoo 360

Pages in category "Customer Lifecycle"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.